7 Jahre - übersetzen

**Family, Friends and Fans, PLEASE HELP! We have 18 days left for you to make your nominations and help grab one of these awards we have been nominated for.*** The Indie Villie TV Awards show.
This year The Teccas have been nominated in the following categories:

Country Artist/ Group of the Year
Song of the Year - These Days

We need each of you to go the following link: https://www.survio.com/survey/t/H4B2R6A9I6H2N4P8Q and nominate The Teccas in these categories and be sure to put The Teccas - These Days for Song of the Year. It's simple and quick to go nominate and every one counts to get us in the running for an award.

4th Annual Indie Ville TV Awards Nomination - Survio

4th Annual Indie Ville TV Awards Nomination - Survio