For artists who are interested in joining the family here are the things we require other than talent/ability:
- A hard work ethic
- Website - you can easily make one on
- A Facebook page specifically for your music with at least 1,500 fans
- A published song/album - this can be done very inexpensively at
- A professional looking video of one of your songs
- The following social media links: Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and ReverbNation (Please include these when inquiring)
- Family mentality
We pride ourselves on being a music family. If you aren't a team player, we will pass on you no matter how talented you may be. Much will be expected of you, as the music business can be very tough; obviously you know this, and that's why you're here. We welcome all of you and can't wait to hear your awesome music!
We are expanding management to artists out of the United States too.
Feel free to check out our website for more information.
Due to the high demand of the knowledge we have about the industry as well as our personal contacts within, we also offer consultation for those who would like advice but don't necessarily want to be under management (see prices below).
Consultation (by appointment with Phyllis):
GOLD - $600 for 4 months
SILVER - $400 for 2 months
PREFERRED - $250 for 1 month
BRONZE - A&R Consultation $50 /hr phone call