We are aware of an issue that is affecting Last.fm scrobbles and Libre.fm scrobbles.

We previously sent all requests to Libre.fm and that forwarded the scrobbles to Last.fm.

Libre.fm is experiencing problems, we have reported the issue, but we don't know when it will be fixed.

We are therefore, working on a fix to send scrobbles directly to Last.fm and Libre.fm separately, this reduces the single point of failure at Libre.fm.

As a bonus, we will be adding a new feature, we will be scrobbling albums, so it is more important than ever to make sure that the album data is entered and correct for each song on your radio station.

We are aware of an issue which is affecting the spin count on songs on our Spin Chart and are working to fix it. We expect the procedure to take a while so please bear with us as we update our systems.


New automated music upload service launched. You can now upload your music automatically for radio airplay. Please visit https://submit.blastfm.net and fill out the form to upload your music.

BlastFM Limited Radio Station Network Submission Form

BlastFM Limited Radio Station Network Submission Form

Upload Your Music To Our Licensed Radio Stations In Four Easy Steps

Our website has been updated to a new version, as always, if you experience any problems, please do let us know as we might not be aware of your particular issue.

Just to let you know, we do not sell, give away or even view your private data, we use location services to allow weather apps to give you weather reports and so that you can sign in from a chosen location and nothing else.

We are too busy with everything else we have to do to be looking at people's data, in that sense, this is probably one of the most secure social media platforms.

Über Uns

Support items to help you with common questions about our website/radio stations/email services