4 yrs - Translate

#jmediafm / #blastfmltd take #advertising / #promotions and #airplay to a whole new level. We have to Tools to get you and your #music heard at an affordable price. We provide #realtime searchable data and reports for number of #spins by "song titles" and "artist names". We also provide our #top10,20,50 100 and higher #playcharts so you can see how popular your music is and where your #rank on our Daily Spin Charts.

Everything we do is trackable, because we keep our word about playing your music, #reporting, and #royalty payments we provide to the #performancerightsorganizations. Isn't it more important to be on a #radionetwork that keeps it word? #nolies, #nogimmicks, #notricks. #justtherealdeal. Listen to #stations.
#tag: Andy Courcier, Blastfm Limited, JMedia Music Promoter
Search our Chart here: https://stations.blastfm.limited/search.php
