It is a #BeautifulDay and I am over being sick! Wishing you all a #FabulousDay!

It is a #BeautifulDay and I am over being sick! Wishing you all a #FabulousDay!
This is the Title Track off our New Album, Downtown! I hope you don't mind that I send you to Reverbnation to enjoy! You can listen to the full album ANYWHERE after our CD Release Party at Saxon Pub, ATX on November 18, 5-7p, Enjoy!
#DowntownCD #DownDarkWaters #SaxonPub #BlastFMLtd
I cannot tell you how EXCITED that I am to have this Most Amazing Artist, Guitar Legend Van Wilks, perform this with me! This song will be featured in our New CD titled Downtown, available through our website after November 20, 2018.
#VanWilksGuitarLegend #BlastFMLtd #NewCDDowntown #jennbmusic #Jenniferbandthegroove
I am a full-time musician from Austin, TX and am in the music group, Jennifer B & the Groove, established since 2010